Our client relationship developed from our field installation service way back in 1992. Since then we have evolved our service offering and are now trusted to supply a comprehensive range of control, engineering and instrumentation services globally through our term contract agreement.

The service covers multiple sites in the UK to as far afield as Singapore and Australia. The range of services includes Front End Study work through to the design and build of control system design and upgrade, and also encompasses Electrical and Instrumentation design. Work is predominately on brownfield sites but the scope of service includes greenfield when required.


In 2013 our client announced a package of investments for UK plants, and announced the intention to build a new production facility. The requirement was for the supply of an Integrated Control System for the new pharmaceutical manufacturing plant

I/O count of over 5000 (wired) and 2000 (soft)

Process Graphics

Control Panels

Integration of BMS & EMS

The Client

A global healthcare company employing approximately 16,000 people across 18 sites within the UK with a commercial presence in over 150 countries

The Solution

The solution provided by Booth Welsh was the design, development and testing, and commissioning of a Siemens PCS7 Batch DCS system fully integrating the Building Management System, Environmental Monitoring System, Process Control System and Process Safety System.

  • Redundant Siemens PCS7 Batch system
  • Multiple Siemens PCS7 Process and Process Safety controllers
  • Multiple PCS7 clients, utilising both real and virtual platforms
  • Interfaces with other 3rd party systems
  • Safe and hazardous area remote IO
  • MES / Data historian systems
  • Panel Design & Build
  • SIL Verification

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The Benefits

In addition to holding Solution Partner Specialists status for Siemens Process Control System SIMATIC PCS 7 and Siemens PCS 7 Safety, Booth Welsh also hold Siemens Solution partner status for the Pharmaceutical industry.

Within our premises, we have the capacity to host large scale factory acceptance tests, providing space for our employees to successfully collaborate with our clients to ensure the best fit for purpose solution. With our long-term client relationship, built over a number of years, we are able to:

Respond quickly to strategic changes in the portfolio of work to meet exact client demands

Assist in developing standards across the world for Electrical, Control & Instrumentation

Add value through a consistent focus on production and standardisation where possible

Delivering value with the latest technology

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