It goes without saying how difficult this time is for everyone as the nation copes with an extended Lockdownhome schooling, time away from loved ones as well as dark winter days and nights  

Like many across the country, a large percentage of Booth Welsh employees have been working from home during the pandemic with busy schedules and limited social contact.  

Over the years, Booth Welsh has invested strongly in workplace wellbeing and internal engagement across the businesswinning a number of awards testament to their efforts here 

Aware of the difficulties employees were facing, last year Booth Welsh held a number of staff wellness sessions where they invited mental and physical health experts to present and deliver themed activities. This covered a wide range of topics including fitness, nutrition, sleep, self-care, mindfulness and stress management. 

One of these experts was Lucy Thomson, an Ayrshire based fitness entrepreneur who pivoted her personal training businessCoach Lucy, to deliver online group coaching and fitness sessions during the pandemic 

Following on from the successful delivery of online sessions for Booth Welsh staffthe business has partnered with Lucy to deliver a wellbeing strategy for the company which will include regular Lunchtime fitness fixes to kickstart their ‘Fresh February’ wellness campaign. 

Aimee Doole, Marketing Communications & Engagement Manager

“I first met Lucy last year at a virtual event we were both presenting at and was instantly engaged by her story and character. We were keen to extend the partnership with Lucy knowing how well her activities initially went down with our staff. We coined ‘Fresh February’ as term we thought might resonate with our employees and perhaps motivate them to keep up good habits in Lockdown after initial New Year Resolutions. It is great to welcome Lucy onboard to help our employees look after themselves during this difficult period.  

Lucy’s sessions will be open to all staff and abilities as well as available on demandInitially the programme will focus on structured physical fitness sessions with the offering expanding to include talks and resources covering Lucy’s wide wellbeing repertoire. The aim here being to empower staff  with tools to cope during the pandemic.   

Lucy Thomsona.k.a Coach Lucy, adds,  

“I’m delighted to have the opportunity to work more closely with the Booth Welsh teamThis inhouse programme will provide not just the obvious benefits to staff health and productivity that come with regular movement but also incorporate the community aspect of coming together to connect and workoutsomething which I feel is much needed for us all just now. I’m excited to be working with a forward-thinking company that tangibly recognise how to invest in their staff’s wellbeing.” 

The programme will kickstart on Monday 1st February and staff will also have the option to join the young entrepreneur’s thriving online community to further develop their own individual wellbeing goals.  

Details on Coach Lucy and her community here:  

About Coach Lucy — Coach Lucy 

Details on Booth Welsh’s wider culture and benefits here: 

Careers at Booth Welsh : Global Integrated Engineering